
No Planned events. Please stay tuned!

Akkuma kanaan duraa baraata darban godhaa turre, ayyaanan waggaa haaraa naannoo dhuma Mudee yookaan jalqaba Amajjii kabajina. Bara kanas bara haaraa 2018 as dhufaa jiru maatiif jaallatoota Oromoo waliin kabajuuf saganteeffannee jirra.  Guyyaanii fi bakki isaa yeroo dhihootti waan murtaa’uuf asitti nutti deebiaa nu caqasaa jenna.

Guyyaan Amajjii bara 2018 itti kabajannuu

  • Guyyaangaafa Muddee 30,
  • bakki isaa Methodist Church. Lower Abby Street Dublin 1,
  • Sa’aan isaa 12:00 amma 7:00 galgalaa ta’a. 

Hundi keessanuu hafeeramtaniittu hin oolinaa wal waamaa kottaa.  Kophiin keenya kan Ammajjii akuma kanaan duraa baasii hin qabu, hunduu tola dha. 


As for the last many years, our community will celebrate new year around the end of December or the beginning of January. This year too we are planning to welcome 2018 by coming together with families and friends of the Oromo community in Ireland. The exact date and place will be determined soon and so we invite you to visit us again.

Our 2018 new year celebration is going to take place 

  • on December 30
  • At Methodist Church Lower Abby Street, Dublin 1
  • From 12:00 to 7:00 PM 

As it has been, there is no entrance fee for our new year event.  Please let friends and family and come to the event and let us all enjoy together. 

Past Event Videos/photos